Gratitude for our Faculty and Staff
With Thanksgiving a few days away, I want to pause to give thanks for the remarkable teachers and staff here at BUA. Every day I am struck by their contagious passion for their subjects; their pedagogical skill and creativity; their work ethic and desire to improve; and, most of all, how well they know these students and how deeply they care for them. These professionals have chosen this path – many having foregone more lucrative careers and ones that carry more status in a society that undervalues educators – because working with young people is a calling. There is tremendous fulfillment, joy, and purpose in helping guide and empower young people at this critical stage in their development. Our faculty and staff are the heart of the school, and I am deeply grateful for them.
My hope this holiday season is that you find a moment to say thank you to a teacher or mentor who made a difference in your life or in your family’s life. One of the mysteries of this profession is that teachers are often not aware of the impact they have. The reward is in the work itself. But it means the world to a teacher to hear that something they did – an encouraging remark in class, a comment in the margin of a paper, a poem they shared, their excitement over a geometry proof, or simply the act of listening with an open heart – mattered.
Wishing you and your families a happy Thanksgiving.