Student Clubs and Activities
At BUA, students are involved in a multitude of out-of-classroom activities not because they’re required to (they’re not!), but because they are passionate and engaged people with a wide array of interests. With more than 50 student clubs and 15 interscholastic and recreational sports to choose from, there are more extracurricular opportunities than there are hours in a day! And if you can’t find the club you’re looking for, you are always welcome to start your own!
Student Clubs & Activities
Learn about the club and activity offerings in 2023-2024 from the BUA students who lead them!
Academic Clubs and Teams
Math Team
- Math Team gives students the opportunity to explore math topics that may not be covered in the school curriculum. It is a welcoming environment where students can solve challenging math problems together while having fun. Students will get the opportunity to prepare for and participate in various math competitions.
Chemistry Club
- The BUA Chemistry Club aims to broaden students’ perspective of chemistry. The club seeks to offer students an engaging approach to learning about laboratory equipment, chemical concepts, and standard protocols used in research institutions by creating and conducting experiments every week, tailored to what club members want to learn about in chemistry. Additionally, we will work with the BU Chemistry Department to bring club members on tours of BU lab spaces in order to give students a sense about what real lab work is like, host chemistry-related outreach events, and expose students to grant-writing.Students will broaden their perspective of chemistry through theoretical and applied learning. Throughout the year, club members will be familiarized with standard lab equipment and procedures for synthetic, biochemical, and general chemistry; as well as learn effective safety practices. Overall, we’ll give members consistent learning experiences to build on their knowledge throughout the two semesters. We also hope to have fun and collaborate with other clubs and student activities, especially where chemistry overlaps with art, medicine, and cooking.
Speech and Debate Team
- The Speech & Debate Team allows students to connect, support, and inspire each other in a community committed to empowering through speech and debate. We will mainly focus on reviewing cases and debating topics within our team, as well as preparing for regional competitions as a part of the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA). We hope to foster each student’s communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative skills, through the practice of public speaking and debate. We encourage people of all levels of experience to join!
BUA Model United Nations
- BUAMUN hosts an annual two-day conference for middle school students, and is one of the largest clubs at BUA. Our mission is to foster a profound love for diplomacy in middle schoolers and encourage them to engage in the world around them. If you have Model UN experience, or any interest in international relations, this is a great chance for you to take on a leadership position. If not, volunteers are always welcome and will receive 20 community service hours and free lunches! Crisis Directors, Chairs, and Vice-Chairs will develop skills in leading committees, writing research-backed background guides, reviewing position papers, responsibly managing a classroom of middle schoolers, and collaborating with other staff in their committee. Volunteers will develop skills in responsibly managing middle schoolers and will learn the procedures for MUN conferences and committee sessions.
Model United Nations (MUN)
- Are you interested in foreign affairs, politics, or crises modeled after your favorite movies or TV. Do you like to keep up with current events or the news? If so, then Model UN is the club for you! By participating in simulations of the United Nations you will gain skills in public speaking, diplomacy, as well as learning about international relations. Our Model UN team attends conferences at colleges such as Boston University, Brown University, Columbia University, Harvard University and many others!
Philosophy Club
- Philosophy club will provide students with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of philosophy through discussion and to organize a team that will win the 2024 New England Regional High School Ethics Bowl. Club members will improve their skills in ethical reasoning and engage in open-minded discussions with students who hold different perspectives. They will also gain a deeper appreciation for the practical applications of philosophy, and those who we can admit to the Ethics Bowl team will have the opportunity to refine their ability to present logical arguments in a formal competition setting.
Lobstah Bots Robotics Team
- In the fun process of building large (>100 lbs) and versatile robots, team members learn new skills in mechanical engineering, machining, electrical, programming, and computer-aided design (CAD). We also spend time developing skills in outreach, business, and bradning/imagery. Out mission is to cultivate a collaborative environment for students, equipping them with valuable STEM experiences and fostering skills such as leadership and communication. See our website for more information:
Science Team
- Science team creates a space for students to connect and pursue various branches of science outside the classroom, fostering an inclusive atmosphere while preparing for competitions. We will host monthly meetings in the Biology lab, where students can collaborate and prepare for competitions. We will provide resources, such as links to studying materials, engineering kits, and guidance.
The Arts
3D Modeling and Printing
- The BUA 3D Modelling and Printing Club strives to give BUAers the tools to create their own 3D models and prints, as well as collaborating with teachers and students to translate 3D designs into practical applications within the community. Weekly meetings will be held to learn how to 3D model and print, pitch and discuss project ideas, and share final products. No prior experience is expected, and beginners will be given the option to develop their skills through two beginner projects: volumes by rotation, which explores the practical aspects of 3D printing mathematical models, and the Blender doughnut, which is considered a rite of passage into the realm of creative 3D design in the 3D modelling software Blender.
Art Club
- Art Club aims to help beautify BUA walls and chalkboards with student artwork, and give students opportunities to explore and improve their artistic abilities. We collaborate with other BUA clubs to further encourage school spirit and promote events important to the student body. We also strive to create a safe space for students to freely express themselves through art and share them with the BUA community.Chinese Paper Cutting also happens during this time
- The club is targeted on providing more people with experience in paper cutting. During our club, we are going to learn how to design and cut out art pieces while learning a few traditional Chinese cutting‘s meaning of each design. If possible, and the creators want to, we will provide cuttings during the holidays to decorate the school.
- The BUA drama club offers theatre lovers a chance to explore their passion. Anyone interested in theatrical performance or production is welcome to partake in the Winter Play, Senior Play, or Spring Musical. Drama is a high-commitment club, with two-hour rehearsals several days a week, with some pretty intense weeks as shows get closer! Be you actor, lighting designer, set builder, or costumer, drama club is a fantastic place to pursue your interests and have the time of your life in the process.
Film Club
- Film Club seeks to create an open environment for everyone to learn, create, and collaborate. Club members will have the chance to experience the creative process of filmmaking through a variety of small film projects, all-school film competitions, and more! Film Club also aims to give back to the BUA community through short videos to promote BUA or other BUA clubs. We welcome all who are interested and ready to have fun! No prior experience is required!
Improv Club
- Improv Club is a safe space for BUA students to express themselves through comedic improv! Members will learn to perform improvisationally, and work with each other to create a supportive community built on laughs. No prior experience is required. Members will get to choose if they want to come as they wish, or commit to joining BUA’s first ever improv troupe, which will have mandatory weekly meetings and will perform at least once during the school year. Improv Club members will sharpen their improv skills and optionally join BUA’s improv troupe.Members who come as they wish can participate in fun improv games or just join to eat lunch and watch some improv. Troupe members will hone their performance skills, starting with short form improv and possibly progressing to long form and/or musical improv if interest calls for it (and thus we could get the budget to hire someone).
Knitting & Fiber Arts Club
- Knitting & Fiber Arts Club creates an opportunity for those interested in knitting and crocheting to connect and bond as a community, share yarn skills, spread appreciation for fiber arts, and work together on a charity project of their choosing. Knitting & fiber arts club members will learn new yarn arts (such as new crochet patterns, how to knit an hat, etc) and create projects throughout the year! We will be organizing charity quilt-making efforts and we may hold a yarn arts competition.
- The music production club gives members the opportunity to learn about recording, mixing, and producing music. Members will learn how to use sound equipment and experiment with many devices to develop their recording ability. Our aim is to have members that can record and produce their own music by the end of the year. We also hope that the members will be able to use their new knowledge to help with sound and recording at school events. No previous knowledge or experience is needed.
Photography Club
- The photography club’s purpose is to educate students on photography and editing through hands-on experience and to give back to the community with our work. Members of photography club will learn how to take pictures and edit them, to capture the beauty of nature and to develop their interests in photography.
Chess Club
- The BUA Chess Club’s mission is to promote the game of chess to all members of the BUA community and to provide a fun, friendly space in which chess enthusiasts and beginners are all welcome to learn the game, improve their skills, and above all, to have fun.
- Like most hobbies, video games can be a great way to bond with people you would not speak to otherwise, distract yourself from the chores which stress you out daily, and create memories that last a lifetime. The E-Sports club seeks to give people the opportunity to connect through gaming, and learn more about the competitive side of video games like Smash Bros, To those who just want a fun little break, stop by and play a game or two during lunch or academic block! For those who are looking to get better: Find people to practice with, learn more about the competitive scenes of other games, and discuss your favorites with the people you meet in the club! Whether you want to play for fun or for glory, Esports club welcomes you to join in on the fun any time!
Nerdy Games Club
- This club is committed to providing a space for BUA students to play an array of games, as well as teaching them how to play. These include Magic the Gathering, Settlers of Catan, and Coup, among many other tabletop games. Nerdy Games will also help students find groups with their own student leaders to play games with, and organize times and places for groups to meet and play TTRPGs. Nerdy games plans to organize regular meetings in Mrs. Brown’s room at 3:30p on Tuesdays and Fridays where anyone can show up and learn or play a game.
Social Games Club
- Social games club aims to connect students through social games, both online and in-person. We hope to provide students a space to relax and have fun, as well as improve cross grade interactions in settings outside of academics with games that focus on social interaction, group bonding, and team building.
Special Interest Groups
Aspiring Medical Students Association (ASMA)
- The Aspiring Medical Students Association is a club for students who are interested in or considering a career in the medical field. ASMA will host a variety of people from different medical backgrounds to come and speak to BUA students about their profession and experiences in healthcare. We also aim to go on one or two outings to a medical campus to directly expose members to a healthcare environment. We seek to create connections between students who are thinking about pursuing medicine and provide them with more information about the field. It will also give students the opportunity to email these people and learn more, possibly enter a program, or even shadow someone in their own time.
Baking Club
- Baking club aims to bring students with a shared passion of baking together and collectively explore, fundraise, and volunteer to deepen this passion. Baking club will entail a monthly bake sale pertaining to that month’s national awareness topic and a bi-monthly outing to a small food pantry in Boston. We will hold weekly meetings to sort out logistics for these events and also feature speakers from BU’s culinary program. We will end the year with a mock baking competition amongst our members!
Book Club
- Book club is for BUAers who love or want to start reading! Whether you are an avid reader or someone that is interested in starting a new hobby, book club will be a welcoming place where everyone can have fun! Books are mainly chosen by the group and during our meetings we will discuss them while enjoying some tasty snacks. If this sounds interesting stop by to meet new people and read some fun books!
Business Club
- Business club is a space to create, foster, and build on students’ business ideas and aspirations. Our members should come prepared to be curious and engaged in the process of brainstorming, prototyping, and executing entrepreneurial ventures. We will continue to utilize BU’s business programs such as the BUild lab, host panels with experienced speakers, all as a precursor to our spring competition with a prize (incubator funding). Our club is open to those who have past experience, or simply those who just want to educate themselves, and build something in the process.
Cinema Club
- The cinema club exists to provide an opportunity for members to explore new or familiar genres of film and get a chance to discuss with peers. The idea is to focus on celebrated movies that maybe don’t get a lot of recognition from the youth, these films could be thrillers, documentaries, noir, animated/claymation, or even Zombie movies. Cinema club allows members the chance to learn about history through film, as well as to discuss and analyze these films in context. In order to better achieve this goal, we will have themed months, for example, noir month.
Crossword Club
- Crossword club will provide a haven of felicity for those with crossword inclined minds and hearts. In body and soul the crossword is one of the most rewarding accomplishments that can be undertaken. We will meet weekly to engage in collaborative crosswording on the given club meeting days New York Times puzzle as well as compete in mini crossword races for heightened excitement and spirited competition.
Community Service
- Community Service Club provides many kinds of opportunities on and off campus for students to contribute to the community! We have regular outings and internal options to help students find opportunities that are meaningful to them. We want to make completing the service hours requirement fun and achievable.
Computer Science Club
- Computer Science Club aims to facilitate BUA’s coding community by sharing experience on the many languages, applications, and facets of coding. Members will also build complex projects throughout the year with various focuses, from websites and games to competitive programming and machine learning. CS club will hold seminars and workshops to help coders learn and troubleshoot. Members will also get chances to work together on group coding projects that will benefit the community!
Engineering and Design Club
- Whether you are planning on studying engineering at college or just want to learn the fundamental principles of machining and computer aided design, BUA Engineering Club is the club for you. We meet twice a week, first at BUA for a lesson on CAD, and next at BU’s state of the art Engineering and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) where you will learn how to use to machines such as 3d printers, laser cutters, water jet cutters, and multi axis CNC machines. Join us on Thursdays at lunch and Wednesdays after school to learn more!
Geography Club
- In Geography club we want students to be able to have fun learning about the wide world. Too many people live their lives never having heard of countries like San Marino or Azerbaijan. We will play games, have competitions, and explore current events and history related to geography. Our members will have a place to show off geography skills, but also a place to learn. The ultimate goal is for everyone to finish the year with a better understanding of the world.
Italian Club
- Italian club aims to provide a space for students to practice their Italian language ability from any level and to learn from their fellow students. We hope to celebrate
Italian holidays and events and learn about Italian culture. Italian club is a great place for anyone who is interested in Italian language in culture and no previous knowledge or experience is required.
Stock Market Club
- Stock Market Club is a club that helps members learn about the basics of investing and allows them to compete in competitions that will enhance their understanding of the Stock Market. Everyone is welcome even if you have no experience. Members of the club will gain a basic understanding of the stock market and how to make informed financial decisions on the market.
Student Life Improvement Club
- SLIC exist to raise the spirits of the student at BUA. We believe that good academics must supported by good mental health and seek too help the school one day at a time, whether that be through anonymous peer compliments, candy during exam week, or anything in between. Club members of SLIC will develop a stronger sense of empathy and learn to appreciate the work those around them put in to brighten their days.
Sustainability Club
- Our goal is to inspire students to take action against climate change by making their school, home, and world a more sustainable place. Our plan to achieve this goal relies on providing different methods of engagement – newsletters, fundraisers and various projects – because there is no single solution to climate change but every action counts. Meetings will be focused on completing these projects as a club, although students will have opportunities to take on in-project leadership roles. Such roles include: Sustainability Newsletter editor, organizing specific fundraisers, or leading a project creating a community garden on campus. Sustainability Club provides a way for students to learn about climate change, while gaining experience in project management, activism, and communicating with faculty members at BUA and BU.
Transit Club
- Transit Club allows students to understand and comfortably use local transit systems, through outings using MBTA services which provide helpful experience on buses and trains, and informative seminars and meetings that show students how to use mobile apps, navigate specific routes, and understand service changes. Transit Club has drafted several outings for the fall and spring. We plan to host another ‘Transit Race’ in November or December, just like last year. Transit Club will continue to provide school-wide newsletters to highlight service changes, route closures, or other disruptions or useful information to commuters. Additionally, we plan on hosting more meetings to show new students how to use both the Transit App and Terrier Transit.
Vinyl Club
- Vinyl club aims to share our love of vinyl music and music history with the BUA community by meeting weekly to listen to records and discuss music. Members are encouraged to bring in their own records, and will have the opportunity to expand their collections through our field trips to various record stores.
Student Council
- We are a group of 15 students spanning all four grades dedicated to improving student life by planning events, discussing school policy, supplying resources, and generally serving as the liaison between the students and the administration. If any of that sounds interesting to you, come by one of our four subcommittee meetings.
Language Groups
American Sign Language
- American Sign Language should be taught in schools across the country so that everyone can communicate with hard of hearing, deaf, and nonverbal people. Our club’s aim is to teach ASL in order to make our community more inclusive. We will meet every Wednesday in Dr. Harrington’ room (205) from 11:05 to 11:55. Club activities will include learning vocabulary, watching videos in ASL, and fun games for engaged learning.
- Linguistics club will focus on learning about language and its structure (things like sounds, the study of dialects, language in society, and language in context), and working on strategies for solving computational linguistics problems. Club members will gain a deeper understanding of language, which surrounds us every day, and may be encouraged to pursue further studies in the field. This club can work on creating our own fun computational problems to share with the community, even host a small competition for these problems, and spread information on any upcoming linguistic conventions such as BU’s conference on language development and NACLO.
Spanish Language Club
- Spanish Language Club aims to provide a space for students of all experience levels to practice and improve their Spanish language abilities while learning more about Spanish and Latin American traditions and culture. Club members will improve their conversational Spanish abilities and meet others in the community with a shared interest.
Literary Magazine (LitMag; MUSE)
- BUA’s Literary Magazine (MUSE) is an annual creative writing publication and discussion group meeting from September to March to workshop student creative writing submissions. If you’re interested in reading, creative writing, and appreciating the prose/poetry/art of your peers, Lit Mag’s the club for you (no prior experience in creative writing or workshopping necessary)! We have a lot of fun, eat chocolate (provided), and are a very inclusive, welcoming community. At the end of the year, we work on editing and publishing the magazine. Read MUSE online here.
Newspaper: The Scarlet Letter
- The Scarlet Letter provides the opportunity for students to pursue topics that would not regularly come up in the classroom and offers a platform to express themselves through various writings and photography. We will meet once a week and work together to provide the Boston University Academy community with journalism that is fun, interesting, and informative and which features the greater world and the BUA community. View our publication here: Members would have the chance to develop constructive editing skills, form a compelling opinion piece, and have the opportunity to practice reporting.
- Yearbook is dedicated to designing, producing, and distributing the BUA Yearbook. Students can get involved at all levels, from photography to page design. Yearbook club is a place for students to come together to create a beautiful and meaningful yearbook for students in all grades to enjoy for years to come. We’ll teach students about graphic design and teamwork to create a cool yearbook!
Physical Activity
- Dance Club welcomes anyone who is passionate about or interested in learning unique styles of dance! It consists of smaller, genre-based subgroups (hip-hop, lyrical, k-pop, etc.) that meet individually to rehearse choreographies throughout the school year on schedules determined by each group. Club members will be able to join subgroups based on interest, and are also welcome to start their own groups as well! All club members will be given a variety of performance opportunities throughout the year to showcase their hard work in events like the annual BUA Dance Show. All are welcome to join, (no experience is required)!
Outing Club
- Outing Club offers periodic opportunities to get the BUA community together and outside! In previous years we have hosted hikes in the Blue Hills, gone rock climbing, cross country skied, and hiked and camped in New Hampshire. There aren’t regular club meetings, but if you have ideas for outings, let Ms. Cox or Ms. Kamen know!
Volleyball Club
- The BUA Volleyball club aims to help students meet others and form a community by playing volleyball. The club will be coached by Mr. Seth, who previously coached volleyball at Philips Andover. Each week, meetings will typically consist of learning basic volleyball skills, followed by some playing. No prior experience is required! Current volleyball club members will continue to meet others who play volleyball and further develop their volleyball skills. New members will develop basic volleyball skills while being introduced to players from all grades.
Alliance Groups
Black Student Union
- Club members of BSU learn to become thoughtful black-identifying students who see themselves in their learning and become confident enough to become advocates in their communities. They would also know they have a space for black students to share concerns, experiences, and ideas. We’ll also have black student live lesson meetings (working title, of course) to help prepare students for the world outside of BUA by discussing situations a black student might encounter in life, what to do and how to learn from it. Additionally, have speakers that will give their insight on the black experience. Additionally, we hope to have meetings and discussions open to everyone because it is so important to have tough conversations with people who face different experiences, and we hope to facilitate a space for that.
East Asian Student Association
- EASA is a space where East Asian students can come together to celebrate their culture and talk about their experiences at BUA.
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
- Our purpose is to provide a space on campus for students in the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to feel safe and discuss issues affecting the LGBTQ community.
Greek Culture Club
- Boston University Academy’ Greek Culture Club (GCC) strives to enrich students at the academy by celebrating Greek Culture and community. They will gain a deeper understanding of The Greek identity and learn why uplifting Greek culture is important. We will explore Greek culture by going on outings, trying new food, and learning about Greek entertainment.
Jewish Student Organization (JSO)
- We look to provide a comfortable space where Jewish students feel safe in expressing their opinions and or just engaging in casual conversation. Like every Jewish gathering, there’s always good food and meaningful dialogue! Though this organization is religiously affiliated, we hope that students of all faiths and denominations will look to our club for a place to chat and relax (everyone is welcome)! We generally meet on/around holidays but also tend to organize meetings by members’ discretion when it seems fitting. The club has no real-time commitment required, and any level of participation is appreciated.
LASA (Latin American Student Association
- Latin American Student Association is a space for all students who want to connect to Latinx culture. During our weekly meetings we will discuss politics, tradition, identity, and stereotypes or play games like Loteria and indulge in different traditional snacks and meals. In order to connect with Latin Americans throughout Boston we will have community service opportunities where we give back to our community. Our goal is to expand people’s horizons and be seen in a world where Latin and Hispanic Americans are often overlooked.
South Asian Student Association
- SASA brings together students within the BUA community to celebrate the South Asian festivals, learn about culture, learn and enjoy cuisines through holding events. Club members will meet monthly to talk about their culture, cuisine, movies, history, festivals…etc. We hope to create an inclusive environment where any BUA student from any cultural background can join us. During our monthly meetings, we will also plan various events throughout the year, like our Garba celebration and our Samosa Social. We also plan to conduct Carrom Board competitions and educate the school community about South Asian traditions and culture. All are welcome!
Women's Empowerment Group
- The Women’s Empowerment Group aims to bring together people who value women’s rights and develop their skills by providing them with resources to succeed. We will learn about women’s role in history and introduce ways that people can assert themselves in male dominated societies, like STEM fields. In order to achieve our goals, we will lead discussions about gender stereotypes and feminists who have impacted our laws. We will also host virtual speaker events so that role models can share their experiences and inspire students to challenge discrimination, hold movie nights, and fundraise for reproductive rights.