Teacher Appreciation

The coming days will be exciting ones for the whole school and include chances to celebrate the Class of 2024: Senior Thesis Symposium, Senior Dinner, Field Day, Senior Week events, Prom, and Commencement a week from Monday. While these goodbyes are bittersweet, we are looking forward to being together.

This week, we marked Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you to the parents who contributed the meals our teachers and staff enjoyed. Thanks to the students who offered their kudos. You might have seen the posts on social media where BUA students shared things they appreciate most in their teachers. Here’s some of what they wrote. “Their passion for learning brings me so much joy.” “They take the time to really listen to you and give you honest and helpful advice.” “They enable me to be excited to ask questions :)” “Their personalities” “Their incredible dedication and commitment to teaching” “They’re all show up first and leave last kind of people.” “They’re so willing to take time out of their day to help you, both academically and in life.” “They’re all super funny and relatable!” “Their genuine willingness to help students succeed!” As usual, they said it best.

Thank you to my colleagues for their dedication, hard work, creativity, partnership, inspiration, and commitment to knowing and caring for each student as an individual. Teaching is among the most meaningful and important work one can do, and BUA teachers do it extraordinarily well. We are lucky to have them.

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